How do you rate your management?
Please take a minute to rate your company’s management effectiveness on these seven criteria using the following scale. Submit your ratings to receive some brief feedback from Waypoint Management Services.
0 = Not applicable or doesn’t exist
1 = Inconsistent or unpredictable
2 = Struggling for reliability
3 = Not bad, but definitely room for improvement
4 = Good, and on the right path
5 = Excellent, superior

Reasons Organizations Hire Consultants:
- A consultant has a specific purpose and mission. A consultant provides time and focus solely to that mission. An employee usually has to absorb this work into their regular routine, sacrificing time and focus.
- A consultant usually works out to be more cost effective than employee project work because the consultant’s work is concentrated, temporary, and there are no employee benefits attached.
- A consultant may be hired to objectively identify problems. In many cases, employees are too close to the problem (“forest-for-the-trees” effect), or they may be influenced by their personal investment or company politics.
- A consultant may be hired to teach new ideas and/or train innovative techniques with authority that internal personnel may lack.
- A consultant can serve as a catalyst for change. A consultant can implement change with vision and skill, and having little or no attachment to company culture, politics, and resistance.
- A consultant may be hired to do the “dirty work.” Let’s face it: few people enjoy being the one who has to make cutbacks or eliminate positions. This work is often best being left to a consultant that will have not repercussions from any fallout.
- A consultant can breathe new life to an organization. New or better ideas can create “Aha!” moments, “I told you so’s,” bring excitement to a routine, and sometimes administer “first aid” to a persistent problem.
- By hiring a consultant rather than an employee, your risk of a poor decision is minimized. If you’re not happy with the work or progress, you can usually terminate the contract immediately with no further obligations.